The name Kate has been substituted for the patient’s real name.
This is a short story about Kate, one of many patients who spent
decades living at the Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford.
Unable to function in her everyday life, her family felt they were left
no choice but have her admitted to the hospital. She spent the rest of
her life in a place that was feared by much of society - a place that
was known by many derogatory names, mainly the nuthouse, looney
bin and the funny farm.
The family considered Kate’s condition shameful, and the decision was
made to keep her whereabouts a dark family secret, no one must
know, not even Kate’s very young daughter, who would never learn
anything about her mother.
Then in the early 1980’s, Hospital Social Workers began trying to
locate family members for all long stay patients. It was then that
Social Worker Doreen Wilson located Kate’s daughter.
Unfortunately, Kate died a short time after and Kate’s daughter and
her husband attended the funeral that was held in the hospital Chapel.
Several weeks later a letter was received by the nursing staff from
Kate’s daughter with the following words:
“Please convey my thanks to the staff for looking after my mother,
someone I never knew.”
This was stigma at work and although much has been accomplished to
minimize the stigma it remains alive in 2023. Tremendous movement
forward has been made in mental health treatment and current
practices of the Saskatchewan Health Authority and at the
Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford make patient and family
centered care a priority. The perspective of the family is valued and
their participation as part of the multi-disciplinary team is welcomed.